Pre-purchase inspection in Vietnam

We recently organized an inspection in Vietnam in a very short time. Despite the uncomfortable location, we were able to quickly provide an inspector and positively impress the customer.

As a part of our business, we usually complete pre-purchase inspections all over the world.

They involve a comprehensive evaluation of an aircraft assets: its current condition, any pre-existing issues such as previous damage, maintenance quality, modification status, and compliance to applicable EASA requirements for import.

Identifying and addressing potential issues prior to purchase is an excellent way for a buyer to help ensure that they won’t incur unexpected expenses after the purchase is complete.

Depending on different factors (location, timing, aircraft status, documents’ status), a pre-purchase inspection can pose some challenges.

We recently had to organize an inspection in Vietnam in a very short time.


The customer informed us about 2 inspections, 1 of them was in Vietnam, a location in which we could not involve our usual internal resources because of the long distance and consequent unacceptable travel expenses.


  • Distant location
  • Unknown location and unknown date until a few days from the actual project


Thanks to our global network of collaborators, after receiving the actual date and location we were able to quickly provide an inspector, who was highly experienced in the aircraft model and living near the inspection place.

The customer was positively impressed and really satisfied with our promptness and efficiency.

Are you thinking about a pre-purchase inspection? Do not hesitate to contact us, we will provide a professional, highly experienced, and reliable service, always paying attention to your specific needs.

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